====== Jokes ====== I wish I could remember a fraction of the great one liners I hear regularly at live comedy shows. See also [[Would you rather]]. * In reference to his ex girlfriend (at a comedy rap battle): "A night with her is like a pint of Tennents, absolutely no head and a slight aftertaste of metal" * "I've been depressed for a few years. Ever since I coached a swimming team back in college for a big race. I said 'Everybody, today I want you to all swim like you never have before!' A lotta people drowned that day" * "My girlfriend has Vajazzles and she's put on a lot of weight recently. Now it looks like someone kicked in a disco ball." **New film names you can come up with by adding one letter:** * The Spy Who Loved Men * Diet Hard * Citizen Kanye * Irony Man * Ex-Men * Shaving Private Ryan * The Hoarse Whisperer * The Green Smile * Speedo * The Thingy * The 400 Year Old Virgin * Harry Pottery * The Dark Knight Rinses