====== Project Wifi Scanner: Data Scan 3a ======
Full scan of Feb 1st to April 10th 2020 - are people self isolating for COVID-19? Seems so.
I loaded data in as below. Then exported the basics to a CSV in MySQL:
SELECT DATE(seen_time),COUNT(DISTINCT mac) FROM simple_data WHERE DATE(seen_time) BETWEEN '2020-02-01' AND '2020-04-31' GROUP BY DATE(seen_time) INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/feb-apr-plot.csv'
Then use [[gnuplot]] to generate a table of this data:
set xdata time
set key off
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set boxwidth 0.9 relative
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
set title "Distinct MACs seen"
set style fill solid 1
set label "Pubs are closed" at "2020-03-20", 10000 rotate by 90
plot "/tmp/feb-apr-plot.csv" using 1:2 with boxes lt rgb 'orange'
I had to manually colour the weekends (until I can figure out how to get gnuplot to do that for me.
==== Original Version (Scan 3) ====
Extract just March's data, then import it to the database:
grep -E "^2020-03" tcpdump.log > /tmp/march.wifi.log
php trim.php /tmp/march.wifi.log > march-trimmed.csv
Raw data for March was 21Gb, approx 168 million lines.
Then import to the mySQL database:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'march-trimmed.csv' INTO TABLE simple_data;
==== Basic Stats ====
select date(seen_time), count(mac) from simple_data where date(seen_time) >= '2020-03-01' and seen_time <= '2020-04-01' group by date(seen_time) into outfile '/tmp/march-rawdata.csv';
SELECT DATE(seen_time),COUNT(DISTINCT mac) FROM simple_data WHERE DATE(seen_time) BETWEEN '2020-03-01' AND '2020-03-31' GROUP BY DATE(seen_time) into outfile '/tmp/distinct-march.csv';
|Date|Unique MACs|