Table of Contents

Linux Tweaks


sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London

Revert window decorations

Reverting window decorations in Ubuntu Lucid (moving the window buttons from the unintuitive left side, back to the right, restoring the context menu and reverting the order):

Open gconf-editor. Navigate to Apps » General » 'button_layout' (or apps » metacity » general). Change it to read:


Those four keywords can be specified in any order, the colon right-aligns everything after the colon.

Xterm colours

Change the default colour of xterms from black-on-white, to the geek norm, white (gray) on black.

Add this text to /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm (or alternatively add to ~/.Xresources and remember to run: xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources):

xterm*background: Black
xterm*foreground: Grey

Putty Keys

Home/End keys don't work via putty

Set your terminal type to linux. In putty, set Connection » Data » Terminal-Type String = linux. Or from the command line or by putting in ~/.bashrc.

export TERM=linux

Ubuntu first setup

Installing packages on a new ubuntu system

I seem to setup a new system for somebody every month or so and keep forgetting what I'll later rely on. I'll try to add to this list as I discover/remember.

apt-get install vim build-essential p7zip screen

Set the timezone

timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London

Debian first setup

usermod -aG sudo seven
apt-get install vim build-essential p7zip screen