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bookshelf [2020/01/09 19:39]
bookshelf [2020/05/21 22:38] (current)
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-Brown, Dan - The Da Vinci Code +====== Bookshelf ====== 
-Card, Orson Scott - Firat Meetings in the Enderverse +Todosort by read/unread
-Sebold, Alice - The Lovely Bones +
-London, Jack - White Fang and The Call of The Wild +
-Henstell, Diana - Deadly Friend +
-Goldacre, Ben - Bad Science +
-James, Peter - Dead Simple +
-Smith, Michael Marshall - Only Forward +
-Bagshawe, Louise - Tuesday'​s Child +
-Bear, Greg - Blood Music +
-Card, Orson Scott - PastwatchThe Redemption of Christopher Columbus +
-Bear, Greg - Slant +
-Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy +
-Godley, Janey - Handstands In The Dark +
-Brin, David - Earth +
-Grossman, Lev - Codex +
-Roberts, Adam - The Snow +
-Buxton, Ian - 101 Whiskies to Try Before You Die +
-Forward, Robert L - Dragon'​s Egg +
-Asmiov, Isaac - The Caves of Steel +
-McKay, Dave - Destroyers +
-Sladek, John - Roderick +
-Daniken, Erich Von - Chariots of the Gods +
-Herriot, James - Vets Might Fly +
-Heinlen, Robert A - Farnham'​s Freehold +
-Kidder, Tracey - The Soul of a New Machine+
-Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Tender is the Night +===== Fiction ===== 
-BarnesJulian ​Arthur & George +  * Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhiker'​s Guide to the Galaxy 
-Aldiss, Brian - Helliconia +  * Adams, Scott - The Dilbert Future 
-Grimwood, Jon Courtenay - redRobe +  * Aldiss, Brian - Helliconia 
-Mitchell, David - Cloud Atlas +  * Anthony, Piers - Split Infinity 
-BesherAlexander ​Rim +  * Asher, Neal - Cowl 
-PalmerDexter ​Version Control +  * Asimov, Isacc - I, Robot 
-O Siochru, Michael - God's Executioner +  * Asmiov, Isaac - The Caves of Steel 
-KushnerDavid Masters ​of Doom +  * Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid'​s Tale 
-GordonRoderick & WilliamsBrian Tunels +  * Banks, Iain M - Consider Phlebas 
-KhouryRaymond ​- The Sign +  * Banks, Iain M - The Algebraist 
-ShriverLionel ​We Need To Talk About Kevin +  * Banks, Ian - Whit 
-Schlosser, Eric - Fast Food Nation +  * Barnes, Julian - Arthur & George 
-BanksIan Whit +  * Baxter, Stephen - Ark 
-GrimwoodJon Courtenay ​reMix +  * Baxter, Stephen - Manifold Origin 
-Shea, Robert & Wilson, Robert Anton - The Illuminatus! Trilogy +  * Baxter, Stephen - Space 
-EugenidesJeffrey ​- The Virgin Suicides +  * Baxter, Stephen - Time 
-SalingerJ.D - The Catcher In The Rye +  * Bear, Greg - Blood Music 
-PlathSylvia ​- The Bell Jar +  * Bear, Greg - Slant 
-DickPhilip K Minority Report +  * Besher, Alexander - Rim 
-MasonMark - The C Words +  * Bova, Ben - Future Crime 
-HawkingStephen ​- The Grand Design+  * Brin, David - Earth 
 +  * Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre 
 +  * Bryson, Bill - Neither Here Nor There 
 +  * Bryson, Bill - Notes from a Small Island 
 +  * Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent 
 +  * Bulgakov, Mikhail - The Heart of a Dog 
 +  * Burroughs, William - Naked Lunch 
 +  * Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany'​s 
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - Ender'​s Game 
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - First Meetings in the Enderverse 
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus 
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - Seventh Son 
 +  * Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay 
 +  * Chambers, Becky - The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet 
 +  * Chiang, Ted - Exhalation 
 +  * Cook, Rick - Cursed & Consulted 
 +  * Coupland, Douglas - Eleanor Rigby 
 +  * Coupland, Douglas - Miss Wyoming 
 +  * Crichton, Michael - Prey 
 +  * Danielewski,​ Mark Z. - House of Leaves 
 +  * Daniken, Erich Von - Chariots of the Gods 
 +  * Dick, Philip K - Dr Bloodmoney 
 +  * Dick, Philip K - Minority Report 
 +  * Dick, Philip K - The Man In The High Castle 
 +  * Dunn, Katherine - Geek Love 
 +  * Ellis, Bret Easton - American Psycho 
 +  * Eugenides, Jeffrey - The Virgin Suicides 
 +  * Fenn, Jaine - Principles of Angels 
 +  * Fforde, Jasper - The Well of Lost Plots 
 +  * Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Tender is the Night 
 +  * ForwardRobert L Dragon'​s Egg 
 +  * Forward, Robert L - Starquake 
 +  * Gaiman, Neil - Anansi Boys 
 +  * Gates, Bill - The Road Ahead 
 +  * Gemmell, David - The King Beyond The Gate 
 +  * Gibson, William - Virtual Light 
 +  * Godley, Janey - Handstands In The Dark 
 +  * Golding, William - Lord of the Flies 
 +  * Gordon, Roderick & Williams, Brian - Tunnels 
 +  * Grahame-Smith,​ Seth - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 
 +  * Gray, John - Gray's Anatomy 
 +  * Gray, John - Straw Dogs 
 +  * Greene, Richard & Mohammad, K. Silem - The Undead and Philosophy 
 +  * Grimwood, Jin Courtenay - Lucifer'​s Dragon 
 +  * Grimwood, Jon Courtenay - redRobe 
 +  * Grimwood, Jon Courtenay - reMix 
 +  * Grossman, Lev - Codex 
 +  * Gunn, Neil M - The Silver Darlings 
 +  * Hadon, Mark - A Spot of Bother 
 +  * Hafner, Katie & Lyon, Matthew - Where Wizards Stay Up Late 
 +  * Hamilton, Peter F - Fallen Dragon 
 +  * Harth, Erich - The Creative Loop 
 +  * Heinlein, Robert A - Farnham'​s Freehold 
 +  * Heinlein, Robert A - The Number of the Beast 
 +  * Heller, Joesph - Catch 22 
 +  * Henstell, Diana - Deadly Friend 
 +  * Herbert, James - The Rats 
 +  * Hills, Simon - Strictly No! 
 +  * Hornby, Nick - How To Be Good 
 +  * James, Peter - Dead Simple 
 +  * Kaplan, Andrew - Homeland 
 +  * Kaplan, Jerry - Start Up 
 +  * Kennedy, Emma - I Left My Tent in San Francisco 
 +  * Kesey, Ken - One Flew Over The Cuckoo'​s Nest 
 +  * Khoury, Raymond - The Sign 
 +  * Kidder, Tracey - The Soul of a New Machine 
 +  * Koontz, Dean - The Good Guy 
 +  * Lawrence, Louise - Children of the Dust 
 +  * Lem, Stanislaw - The Star Diaries 
 +  * London, Jack - White Fang and The Call of The Wild 
 +  * Lovegrove, James - Days 
 +  * MacBride, Stuart B - Halfhead 
 +  * Mason, Mark - The C Words 
 +  * McIntyre, Michael - Life & Laughing 
 +  * Menn, Joesph - Fatal System Error 
 +  * Mitchell, David - Cloud Atlas 
 +  * MoreThomas ​Utopia 
 +  * NeilanPaul Apathy 
 +  * Nicholls, David - Us 
 +  * Niven, Larry - Footfall 
 +  * Niven, Larry - The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton 
 +  * Niven, Larry - The Magic Goes Away 
 +  ​* ​O Siochru, Michael - God's Executioner 
 +  * PalmerDexter ​Version Control 
 +  * Paulsen, Gary - Hatchet 
 +  * Plascencia, Salvador - The People ​of Paper 
 +  * PlathSylvia - The Bell Jar 
 +  * PohlFrederik ​Man Plus 
 +  * PullmanPhilip - Book of Dust 
 +  * Pullman, Philip ​- The Subtle Knife 
 +  * RobertsAdam The Snow 
 +  * Sagan, Carl - The Dragons of Eden 
 +  * Sagan, Nick - Idlewild 
 +  * Salinger, J.D - The Catcher In The Rye 
 +  * Sapkowski, Andrzej - Blood of Elves 
 +  * Sapkowski, Andrzej - The Last Wish 
 +  ​* ​Schlosser, Eric - Fast Food Nation 
 +  * SeboldAlice Lucky 
 +  * SeboldAlice The Lovely Bones 
 +  ​* ​Shea, Robert & Wilson, Robert Anton - The Illuminatus! Trilogy 
 +  * SheldonSidney - Are You Afraid of the Dark? 
 +  * Shriver, Lionel - We Need To Talk About Kevin 
 +  * Sladek, John - Roderick 
 +  * Smith, Martin Cruz - Wolves Eat Dogs 
 +  * Smith, Michael Marshall - Only Forward 
 +  * Smith, Michael Marshall - Spares 
 +  * Sontag, Sherry & Drew, Christopher - Blind Man's Buff 
 +  * Stapledon, Olaf - Star Maker 
 +  * Steinbeck, John - East of Eden 
 +  * Stephenson, Neal - The System of the World 
 +  * SterlingBruce - Distraction 
 +  * Sterling, Bruce - The Hacker Crackdown 
 +  * Stross, Charles - Halting State 
 +  * Sturgeon, Theodore - More Than Human 
 +  * Swindells, Robert - Brother in the Land 
 +  * Thompson, Craig - Blankets 
 +  * Thorpe, David - Hybrids 
 +  * Tressell, Robert - The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists 
 +  * TsuLao Tao Te Ching 
 +  * Turtledove, Harry - World War In The Balance 
 +  * WheatonWil Just a Geek 
 +  * WinslowDon - The Cartel 
 +  * WolfeGene Soldier In The Mist 
 +  * Wolf, Mary Anne - Proust and the Squid 
 +  * Zelazny, Roger - Lord of Light
 +===== Non fiction =====
 +  * Alexander, Eben - Proof of Heaven
 +  * Blackmore, Susan - Conversations on Consciousness
 +  * Burton, Robert A - On Being Certain
 +  * Cohen, Adam - The Perfect Store
 +  * Covey, Stephen R - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
 +  * Critchley, Simon - On Humour
 +  * Dawkins, Richard - A Devil'​s Chaplain
 +  * Dawkins, Richard - The God Delusion
 +  * Dawkins, Richard - The Greatest Show on Earth
 +  * Dawkins, Richard - The Selfish Gene
 +  * Fawcett, Bill - It Looked Good On Paper
 +  * Feynman, Richard P - The Character of Physical Law
 +  * Fisher, Helen - Why We Love
 +  * Franken, Al - Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
 +  * Fry, Stephen - Making History
 +  * Fry, Stephen - Moab is my Washpot
 +  * Gleick, James - Chaos
 +  * Goldacre, Ben - Bad Science
 +  * Hawking, Stephen - The Grand Design
 +  * Hedges, Chris - Empire of Illusion
 +  * Hitchens, Christopher - God is not Great
 +  * Johnson, Clifford V - The Dialogues: Conversations about the nature of the universe
 +  * Johnson, Steven - The Ghost Map
 +  * Kenneally, Christine - The First Word
 +  * Klein, Naomi - No Logo
 +  * Krauss, Lawrence M - Beyond Star Trek
 +  * Krauss, Lawrence - The Physics of Star Trek
 +  * Lewis, Bernard - What Went Wrong?
 +  * Ness, Randolph M - Evolution and Healing
 +  * Matthews, Robert - 25 Big Ideas
 +  * McCormack, Mark H - What They Didn't Teach You At Harvard Business School
 +  * Mortimer, Ian - The Time Traveller'​s Guide to Medieval England
 +  * Munroe, Randall - What If?
 +  * Murray, John - Success In Electronics
 +  * Patel, Raj - The Value of Nothing
 +  * Roach, Mary - Stiff
 +  * Singh, Simon - Fermat'​s Last Theorem
 +  * Sullivan, Robert - Rats
 +  * Taubes, Gary - Good Calories, Bad Calories
 +  * Thomas, Mark - As Seen on The Famous Nelson Mandela
 +  * Tsu, Lao - Tao Te Ching
 +  * Vise, David A - The Google Story
 +  * Weeks, David & James, Jamie - Eccentrics
 +  * West, Geoffrey - Scale
 +  * Yu, Charles - How to Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe
-Winslow, Don - The Cartel +==== Poetry ==== 
-SontagSherry & Drew, Christopher ​Blind Man's Buff +  * BukowskiCharles ​Ham on Rye 
-AdamsDouglas ​The Hitchhiker'​s Guide to the Galaxy +  * FlorenceRab Poetry & Swearing Vol 1 
-BurroughsWilliam ​Naked Lunch +  * McNishHolly Nobody Told Me 
-GatesBill The Road Ahead +  * RilkeRainer Maria Letters to Young Poet 
-Harth, Erich - The Creative Loop +  * TsuLao Tao Te Ching
-Gray, John - Gray's Anatomy +
-Gaiman, Neil - Anasi Boys +
-Thorpe, David - Hybrids +
-Bryson, Bill - Notes from Small Island +
-Kaplan, Jerry - Start Up +
-Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent +
-Chambers, Becky - The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet +
-Stapledon, Olaf - Star Maker +
-Smith, Martin Cruz - Wolves Eat Dogs +
-Hornby, Nick - How To Be Good +
-Krauss, Lawrence - The Physics of Star Trek +
-Bryson, Bill - Neither Here Nor There +
-Heller, Joesph - Catch 22 +
-Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Philosopher'​s Stone +
-Kesey, Ken - One Flew Over The Cuckoo'​s Nest +
-Cohen, Adam - The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay +
-Dunn, Katherine - Geek Love +
-Eyre, Jane - Charlotte Bronte +
-Levy, Steven - Insanely Great +
-Banks, Iain M - The Algebraist +
-Kennedy, Emma - I Left My Tent in San Francisco +
-Gleick, James - Chaos +
-GunnNeil M The Silver Darlings+
 +==== Biographies ====
 +  * Bannatyne, Duncan - Anyone Can Do It
 +  * Branson, Richard - The Autobiography
 +  * Clarkson, Jeremy - Don't Stop Me Now
 +  * Kay, Peter - The Sound of Laughter
 +  * Moyles, Chris - The Gospel According to Chris Moyles
 +  * Moore, Michael - Dude Where'​s My Country?
 +  * Wheaton, Will - Just A Geek
-Golding, William - Lord of the Flies +===== Computer history/​culture =====
-Krauss, Lawrence M - Beyond Star Trek +
-Hafner, Katie & Lyon, Matthew - Where Wizards Stay Up Late +
-Moore, Thomas - Utopia +
-Menn, Joesph - Fatal System Error +
-Sebold, Alice - Lucky +
-Hills, Simon - Strictly No! +
-Lette, Quentin - 50 People Who Buggered Up Britain +
-Grahame-Smith,​ Seth - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies +
-Berners-Lee,​ Tim - Weaving The Web +
-Lewis, Bernard - What Went Wrong? +
-Tressell, Robert - The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists +
-Lawrence, Louise - Children of the Dust +
-Steinbeck, John - East of Eden +
-Swindells, Robert - Brother in the Land +
-Tsu, Lao - Tao Te Ching+
 +  * Benedict, Michael - Cyberspace
 +  * Berners-Lee,​ Tim - Weaving The Web
 +  * Bronson, Po - The Nudist on the Late Shift
 +  * Brooks, Frederick P Brooks - The Mythical Man-Month
 +  * Brynjolfsson,​ Erik & McAfree, Andrew - The Second Machine Age
 +  * Clothier, Paul - The Computer Trainer
 +  * Cohen, Adam - The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay
 +  * Hafner, Katie - Where Wizards Stay Up Late
 +  * Johnson, Steve - Emergence
 +  * Kaplan, Jerry - Start Up
 +  * Kidder, Tracey - The Soul of a New Machine
 +  * Kushner, David - Masters of Doom
 +  * Levy, Steven - Insanely Great
 +  * Menn, Joesph - Fatal System Error
 +  * Padua, Sydney - The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage
 +  * Palmer, Dexter - Version Control
 +  * Shimomura, Tsutomu - Takedown
 +  * Standage, Tom - The Victorian Internet
 +  * Sterling, Bruce - The Hacker Crackdown
 +  * Stoll, Clifford - Silicon Snake Oil
 +  * Torvalds, Linus & Diamond, David - Just For Fun
 +===== Computer reference =====
 +  * Abelson, Harold & Sussman, Gerald - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Ed)
 +  * Aho, Alfred V & Sethi, Ravi - Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools
 +  * Albitz, Paul & Lui, Cricket - DNS and Bind (3rd Ed)
 +  * Bornstein, Niel M - .NET and XML
 +  * Connolly, Thomas - Database Systems ​
 +  * Erikson, Jon - Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
 +  * Flickenger, Rob - Linux Server Hacks
 +  * Petzold, Charles - Code
 +  * McComb, Gordon - The Robot Builder'​s Bonanza
 +  * Powers, Shelly - Adding Ajax
 +  * Pratt, Philip J & Adamas, Joesph J - Database Systems Management and Design
 +  * Stevens, Richard W & Fenner, Bill - Unix Network Programming (3rd Ed)
 +====== Unread Fiction ======
 +  * Anthony, Piers - Split Infinity
 +  * Asher, Neal - Cowl
 +  * Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid'​s Tale
 +  * Baxter, Stephen - Ark
 +  * Besher, Alexander - Rim
 +  * Bova, Ben - Future Crime
 +  * Brin, David - Earth
 +  * Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
 +  * Bryson, Bill - Neither Here Nor There
 +  * Bryson, Bill - Notes from a Small Island
 +  * Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent
 +  * Bulgakov, Mikhail - The Heart of a Dog
 +  * Burroughs, William - Naked Lunch
 +  * Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
 +  * Chambers, Becky - The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet
 +  * Chiang, Ted - Exhalation
 +  * Cook, Rick - Cursed & Consulted
 +  * Coupland, Douglas - Miss Wyoming
 +  * Danielewski,​ Mark Z. - House of Leaves
 +  * Dunn, Katherine - Geek Love
 +  * Ellis, Bret Easton - American Psycho
 +  * Fenn, Jaine - Principles of Angels
 +  * Fforde, Jasper - The Well of Lost Plots
 +  * Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Tender is the Night
 +  * Gates, Bill - The Road Ahead
 +  * Gemmell, David - The King Beyond The Gate
 +  * Godley, Janey - Handstands In The Dark
 +  * Gordon, Roderick & Williams, Brian - Tunnels
 +  * Grahame-Smith,​ Seth - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
 +  * Gray, John - Gray's Anatomy
 +  * Gray, John - Straw Dogs
 +  * Greene, Richard & Mohammad, K. Silem - The Undead and Philosophy
 +  * Grimwood, Jin Courtenay - Lucifer'​s Dragon
 +  * Grimwood, Jon Courtenay - redRobe
 +  * Grimwood, Jon Courtenay - reMix
 +  * Grossman, Lev - Codex
 +  * Gunn, Neil M - The Silver Darlings
 +  * Hadon, Mark - A Spot of Bother
 +  * Hafner, Katie & Lyon, Matthew - Where Wizards Stay Up Late
 +  * Hamilton, Peter F - Fallen Dragon
 +  * Harth, Erich - The Creative Loop
 +  * Hawking, Stephen - The Grand Design
 +  * Heinlein, Robert A - The Number of the Beast
 +  * Hills, Simon - Strictly No!
 +  * Hornby, Nick - How To Be Good
 +  * James, Peter - Dead Simple
 +  * Kaplan, Andrew - Homeland
 +  * Kaplan, Jerry - Start Up
 +  * Kennedy, Emma - I Left My Tent in San Francisco
 +  * Khoury, Raymond - The Sign
 +  * Koontz, Dean - The Good Guy
 +  * Lem, Stanislaw - The Star Diaries
 +  * London, Jack - White Fang and The Call of The Wild
 +  * Lovegrove, James - Days
 +  * MacBride, Stuart B - Halfhead
 +  * Mason, Mark - The C Words
 +  * McIntyre, Michael - Life & Laughing
 +  * Menn, Joesph - Fatal System Error
 +  * Neilan, Paul - Apathy
 +  * Nicholls, David - Us
 +  * Niven, Larry - Footfall
 +  * Niven, Larry - The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton
 +  * O Siochru, Michael - God's Executioner
 +  * Palmer, Dexter - Version Control
 +  * Plascencia, Salvador - The People of Paper
 +  * Pohl, Frederik - Man Plus
 +  * Pullman, Philip - Book of Dust
 +  * Roberts, Adam - The Snow
 +  * Sagan, Carl - The Dragons of Eden
 +  * Salinger, J.D - The Catcher In The Rye
 +  * Sapkowski, Andrzej - Blood of Elves
 +  * Sapkowski, Andrzej - The Last Wish
 +  * Schlosser, Eric - Fast Food Nation
 +  * Sebold, Alice - Lucky
 +  * Shea, Robert & Wilson, Robert Anton - The Illuminatus! Trilogy
 +  * Sheldon, Sidney - Are You Afraid of the Dark?
 +  * Shriver, Lionel - We Need To Talk About Kevin
 +  * Sontag, Sherry & Drew, Christopher - Blind Man's Buff
 +  * Stapledon, Olaf - Star Maker
 +  * Stephenson, Neal - The System of the World
 +  * Sterling, Bruce - Distraction
 +  * Sterling, Bruce - The Hacker Crackdown
 +  * Stross, Charles - Halting State
 +  * Sturgeon, Theodore - More Than Human
 +  * Thompson, Craig - Blankets
 +  * Thorpe, David - Hybrids
 +  * Tressell, Robert - The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
 +  * Tsu, Lao - Tao Te Ching
 +  * Turtledove, Harry - World War In The Balance
 +  * Winslow, Don - The Cartel
 +  * Wolfe, Gene - Soldier In The Mist
 +  * Wolf, Mary Anne - Proust and the Squid
 +  * Zelazny, Roger - Lord of Light
 +====== Read Fiction ======
 +  * Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhiker'​s Guide to the Galaxy
 +  * Adams, Scott - The Dilbert Future
 +  * Aldiss, Brian - Helliconia
 +  * Asimov, Isacc - I, Robot
 +  * Asmiov, Isaac - The Caves of Steel
 +  * Banks, Iain M - Consider Phlebas
 +  * Banks, Iain M - The Algebraist
 +  * Banks, Ian - Whit
 +  * Barnes, Julian - Arthur & George
 +  * Baxter, Stephen - Manifold Origin
 +  * Baxter, Stephen - Space
 +  * Baxter, Stephen - Time
 +  * Bear, Greg - Blood Music
 +  * Bear, Greg - Slant
 +  * Capote, Truman - Breakfast at Tiffany'​s
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - Ender'​s Game
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - First Meetings in the Enderverse
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus
 +  * Card, Orson Scott - Seventh Son
 +  * Coupland, Douglas - Eleanor Rigby
 +  * Crichton, Michael - Prey
 +  * Daniken, Erich Von - Chariots of the Gods
 +  * Dick, Philip K - Dr Bloodmoney
 +  * Dick, Philip K - Minority Report
 +  * Dick, Philip K - The Man In The High Castle
 +  * Eugenides, Jeffrey - The Virgin Suicides
 +  * Forward, Robert L - Dragon'​s Egg
 +  * Forward, Robert L - Starquake
 +  * Gaiman, Neil - Anansi Boys
 +  * Gibson, William - Virtual Light
 +  * Golding, William - Lord of the Flies
 +  * Heinlein, Robert A - Farnham'​s Freehold
 +  * Hills, Simon - Strictly No!
 +  * Hornby, Nick - How To Be Good
 +  * James, Peter - Dead Simple
 +  * Kesey, Ken - One Flew Over The Cuckoo'​s Nest
 +  * Kidder, Tracey - The Soul of a New Machine
 +  * Lawrence, Louise - Children of the Dust
 +  * Nicholls, David - Us
 +  * Niven, Larry - The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton
 +  * Niven, Larry - The Magic Goes Away
 +  * Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
 +  * Pohl, Frederik - Man Plus
 +  * Pullman, Philip - The Subtle Knife
 +  * Sagan, Nick - Idlewild
 +  * Sebold, Alice - The Lovely Bones
 +  * Sladek, John - Roderick
 +  * Smith, Martin Cruz - Wolves Eat Dogs
 +  * Smith, Michael Marshall - Only Forward
 +  * Smith, Michael Marshall - Spares
 +  * Steinbeck, John - East of Eden
 +  * Swindells, Robert - Brother in the Land
 +  * Wheaton, Wil - Just a Geek
-  * [[wp>The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People]] by [[wp>​Stephen Covey]] - Gift from Karen, Dec 2011. (Jun 2004) 
-  * [[wp>The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay]] by [[wp>​Michael Chabon]] (Aug 2003) 
-  * [[wp>​American Psycho]] by [[wp>​Bret Easton Ellis]] - Dec 2011 gift from Karen. (Apr 2003) 
-  * [[wp>​Anyone Can Do It]] by [[wp>​Duncan Bannatyne]] (Oct 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Apathy and Other Small Victories]] by [[wp>​Paul Neilian]] (Jan 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Ark]] by [[wp>​Stephen Baxter]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>Bad Science]] by [[wp>Ben Goldacre]] (May 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Blood of Elves]] by [[wp>A Sapkowski]] - Recommended on the Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List (Dec 2003) 
-  * [[wp>​Chaos]] by [[wp>​James Gleick]] (Jun 2004) 
-  * [[wp>​Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools]] by [[wp>​Alfred V Aho]] - First edition present from my mum, Dec 2011. (Mar 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Cowl]] by [[wp>​Neal Asher]] (Jul 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Delusions of Gender]] by [[wp>​Cordelia Fine]] - Book for the skeptics bookgroup April 2012.  I'm finding the style extremely hard to read, she annoys me.  I'm only a few chapters in and have been encouraged to read further though. (Apr 2012) 
-  * [[wp>A Devil'​s Chaplain]] by [[wp>​Richard Dawkins]] - I loved The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins so I plan to read his other books... (Dec 2003) 
-  * [[wp>​Eats,​ Shites & Leaves]] by [[wp>​Antal Parody]] (Jun 2005) 
-  * [[wp>​Geek Love]] by [[wp>​Katherine Dunn]] - Borrowed from Kev. (Apr 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Godel,​ Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid]] by [[wp>​Douglas Hofstadter]] (Jul 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Gray'​s Anatomy]] by [[wp>​John Gray]] (Mar 2012) 
-  * [[wp>The Greatest Show on Earth]] by [[wp>​Richard Dawkins]] (Jun 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Halfhead]] by [[wp>​Stuart B MacBride]] - Picked this up on a whim in Waterstones because it was set in a futuristic Glasgow. (Aug 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​House of Leaves]] by [[wp>​Mark Z.  Danielewski]] - Sounds like a fascinating book. (Dec 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Howl'​s Moving Castle]] by [[wp>​Diana Wynne Jones]] - Reading this for my sci-fi bookgroup. (Jun 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Hybrids]] by [[wp>​David Thorpe]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>If We're So In Love Why Aren't We Happy?]] by [[wp>​Susan Page]] (May 2005) 
-  * [[wp>The Illuminatus! Trilogy]] by [[wp>​multi multi]] (Mar 2004) 
-  * [[wp>The Importance of Being Earnest]] by [[wp>​Oscar Wilde]] - Recommended on a reddit list of books to read before you die (Jan 2020) and of course, I'd been meaning to read this one especially 
-  * [[wp>In The Balance]] by [[wp>​Harry Turtledove]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The King Beyond The Gate]] by [[wp>​David Gemmell]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The Last Wish]] by [[wp>A Sapkowski]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The Little Prince]] by [[wp>​Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]] - Recommended on a reddit list of books to read before you die (Jan 2020) and it's a classic I always meant to read 
-  * [[wp>​Making History]] by [[wp>​Stephen Fry]] - Gift from my sister, Dec 2011. (Dec 2005)] 
-  * [[wp>​Man'​s Search for Meaning]] by [[wp>​Viktor Frankl]] ​ - Recommended on a reddit list of books to read before you die (Jan 2020) 
-  * [[wp>The Martian Chronicles]] by [[wp>Ray Bradbury]] - Recommended on a reddit list of books to read before you die (Jan 2020) 
-  * [[wp>​Notes from Underground]] by [[wp>​Fyodor Dostoevsky]] - Recommended on a reddit list of books to read before you die (Jan 2020) 
-  * [[wp>The Nudist on the Late Shift]] by [[wp>Po Bronson]] (May 2003) 
-  * [[wp>​Pride and Prejudice]] by [[wp>​Jane Austen]] (Sep 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Principles of Angels]] by [[wp>​Jaine Fenn]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Rats:​ Observations on the History and Habitat of the City]] by [[wp>​Robert Sullivan]] - Not sure where I heard about this book - sounds interesting though. ​ Been on my list since June 2004. (Jan 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Richard Branson: The Autobiography]] by [[wp>​Richard Branson]] (Mar 2012) 
-  * [[wp>The Robot Builder'​s Bonanza]] by [[wp>​Gordon McComb]] - I've had this book for months, but never actually got around to reading it 'till now. (May 2005) 
-  * [[wp>The Sacred Stones]] by [[wp>​Matthew Reilly]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The Selfish Gene]] by [[wp>​Richard Dawkins]] - I loved The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins so I plan to read his other books... (Dec 2003) 
-  * [[wp>Sex Tips For Girls]] by [[wp>​Cynthia Heimel]] (Apr 2004) 
-  * [[wp>A Song of Ice and Fire]] by [[wp>​George R Martin]] - Recommended on the Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List (Dec 2003) 
-  * [[wp>A Spot of Bother]] by [[wp>​Mark Haddon]] (Mar 2012) 
-  * [[wp>The Star Diaries]] by [[wp>​Stanislaw Lem]] - Rumoured to be where Douglas Adams got his writing style from.  Need to read this.  Mentioned by a guy on slashdot. ​ Got as a gift from my mum, Dec 2011. (May 2004) 
-  * [[wp>​Stargirl]] by [[wp>​Jerry Spinelli]] (Aug 2003) 
-  * [[wp>The Subtle Knife]] by [[wp>​Philip Pullman]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The Survivors Club: How To Survive Anything]] by [[wp>Ben Sherwood]] (Mar 2012) 
-  * [[wp>Tao Te Ching]] by [[wp>Lao Tzu]] - This book is recommended by everybody who makes a list of 'great books' or 'books that changed my life' and they never mention what the fsck its about - just stuff like; 'if you haven'​t read it, read it' and nothing descriptive. ​ I suppose I better track (Jun 2004) 
-  * [[wp>The Time Traveller'​s Guide to Medieval England]] by [[wp>Ian Mortimer]] (Mar 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Utopia]] by [[wp>​Thomas Moore]] (Sep 2005) 
-  * [[wp>​Virtual Light]] by [[wp>​William Gibson]] (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School: Notes From A Street-Smart Executive]] by [[wp>​Mark McCormack]] (Jul 2005) 
-  * [[wp>​Where Wizards Stay Up Late]] by [[wp>​Katie Hafner]] (May 2003) 
-  * [[wp>Why We Love]] by [[wp>​Helen Fisher]] - Read some of her papers and listened to one of her talks. ​ Fascinating woman. ​ Looks like an interesting book. (Sep 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Wizard'​s Bane]] by [[wp>​Rick Cook]] (Sep 2010) 
-===== Still to get ===== 
-  * [[wp>​1Q84]] by [[wp>​Haruki Murakami]] - Characters slipping between parallel universes with subtle differences. ​ Sounds interesting. (Jan 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Amusing Ourselves to Death]] by [[wp>​Neil Postman]] - http://​​qdg3v.jpg - this made me want to read it. (Jun 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Antarctica]] by [[wp>Kim Stanley Robinson]] - Set in McMurdo base, same as The Thing, might be interesting,​ though I did find his Mars trilogy quite tough to read. (Sep 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Blindness]] by [[wp>​Jose Saramago]] (Apr 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West]] by [[wp>​Cormac McCarthy]] (Dec 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Brainiac:​ Adventures in the Curious, Competitive,​ Compulsive World of Trivia Buffs]] by [[wp>Ken Jennings]] (Mar 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Cows]] by [[wp>​Matthew Stokoe]] - Mentioned in a 'most disturbing book' thread on reddit. ​ Sounds interesting. (Dec 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The Culture of Narcissism]] by [[wp>​Christopher Lasch]] - Lack of community post industrialisation. ​ Could be interesting. (Aug 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Food of the Gods]] by [[wp>​Terrence McKenna]] (Sep 2011) 
-  * [[wp>The Hot Zone]] by [[wp>​Richard Preston]] - Sounds interesting. (Dec 2010) 
-  * [[wp>The Internet is a Playground]] by [[wp>​David Thorne]] (Nov 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Jonathan Livingston Seagull]] by [[wp>​Richard Bach]] - Recommended on a reddit list of books to read before you die (Jan 2020) 
-  * [[wp>​Letter to a Christian Nation]] by [[wp>Sam Harris]] (Feb 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Lost Boys]] by [[wp>​Scott Orson Card]] - The climax was mentioned on xkcd.  Sounds interesting. (Jul 2011) 
-  * [[wp>​Millennium]] by [[wp>​John Varley]] (Jul 2011) 
-  * [[wp>On the Outside Looking Indian]] by [[wp>​Rupinder Gill]] - Saw the back cover on reddit, with blurbs she'd written herself. ​ Looks interesting. (Mar 2011) 
-  * [[wp>On The Road]] by [[wp>​Jack Kerouac]] (Oct 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad, Book 1)]] by [[wp>​David Eddings]] (Jun 2005) 
-  * [[wp>​Split Infinity]] by [[wp>​Piers Anthony]] (Feb 2012) 
-  * [[wp>​Story of the Eye (Histoire de l'​oeil)]] by [[wp>​Georges Bataille]] (Dec 2010) 
-  * [[wp>​Unwind]] by [[wp>​Neal Shusterman]] (Jan 2011) 
bookshelf.1578598763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/09 19:39 by neil