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Getting your access token

  • Using Riot (that's whats running on - Click on your profile name at the top left corner and select Settings
  • Click Help & About from the list then scroll down to the 'Advanced' section.
  • You should see the bottom line that reads Access Token <click to reveal>
  • Copy and paste that into the example below

Getting a room ID

  • Click on the three dots at the edge of a channel name and click Settings
  • Choose Advanced to see the Internal Room ID
  • #glasgow on the server is !

Posting messages to a channel

It can be very simple to post a message to a channel on Matrix.

Via bash/curl

This script requires jq, the command line JSON processor.

sudo apt install jq
# Usage:
# echo "Hello world" | ./
curl -XPOST -d "$( jq -Rsc --arg msgtype "$msgtype" '{$msgtype, body:.}')" "https://$homeserver/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/$room/send/$access_token"

PHP example using Curl

$msgtype = "m.text";
$homeserver = "";
$room = "!";
$url = "https://$homeserver/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/$room/send/$access_token";
$msg = "Hello world";
$payload = json_encode(array("msgtype"=>$msgtype, "body"=>$msg));
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

Listening to channels

This is pretty straightforward. This is just how to see messages that are posted, but if you explore what is returned then you can see all sorts of things too (like joins, images, likes, invites etc). I run something like this on a terminal so I can see what's going on in all my channels at a glance. Very cool.

$homeserver = "";
$access_token = "access_token_goes_here";
// this is so you can start and stop the program, and it'll continue where it left off
$tracking_file "/tmp/listen_matrix.json";
while(true) {
$since = file_get_contents($tracking_file);
$messages = get_new_events($since);
if(!empty($messages['rooms']['join'] and is_array($messages['rooms']['join']))) {
   foreach($messages['rooms']['join'] as $room_id=>$data) {
      foreach($data['timeline']['events'] as $event_id=>$event) {
         if($event['type'] == "") {
            $sender = $event['sender'];
            $content = "not text";
            if($event['content']['msgtype'] == "m.text")
               $content = $event['content']['body'];
            echo "$sender $room_id $content\n";
$new_tracking_data = $messages['next_batch'];
file_put_contents($tracking_file, $new_tracking_data);
function get_new_events($since) {
   global $homeserver,$access_token;
   // timeout means the server will wait and only respond after 30 seconds, 
   // however if a message is returned before that time, it will return immediately
   $url = "https://$homeserver/_matrix/client/r0/sync?access_token=$access_token&timeout=30000";
      $url .= "&since=$since";
   $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
   return $data;

You can follow one particular room just using GET requests, by doing something like this:

function get_new_events($room) {
   $homeserver = "";
   $access_token = "access_token_goes_here"
   $url = "https://$homeserver/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/$room/messages?access_token=$access_token&from=$tracking_id";
   $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
   return $data;

Matrix Bot

The basis of my bot's interaction with Matrix is bascially the above code. Replace the echo line with with whatever you want to do (in my case, I look up a list of rules [i.e. pairs of regexes and their response functions] I use in IRC from a database and act accordingly).

matrix_tools.1591008113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/01 11:41 by admin