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I'm interested in writers trying to get IT right in shows or movies. I've made some comments on the technobabble used in Next. It's not perfect, but they've made a decent effort.

Episode 2

X is speaking to Y and wants to trace the AI.

"Can you get me a PCAP on an Eliza without anybody there knowing?"

PCAP: This is referring to a packet capture file. A tool like Wireshark (or tcpdump) could be used to sniff the traffic on a network, save it to a file and then playback the activity so it can be analysed. It's useful for a number of things including reverse engineering, debugging problems or learning about a protocol. Pcap

Eliza: Used here as a slang term (though he is directly referring to sniffing the AI chatting to the kid). Eliza is early (and still used) chatbot software. ELIZA

"Give me the IP hardware address and you'll have it in ten minutes"

The word hardware here is incorrect - an IP address isn't directly tied to hardware, that would be a MAC address, in that case the word hardware would be redundant too. I guess the writers though using the more correct alternative “IP address” would sound too simple.

next.1603160100.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/20 03:15 by neil