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projects:gemini-php [2020/09/28 23:04]
projects:gemini-php [2020/11/18 06:26] (current)
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 I wanted to create a very simple server for the Gemini protocol - I'll be using it to teach socket programming. I wanted to create a very simple server for the Gemini protocol - I'll be using it to teach socket programming.
-See https://​​gemini.php for more details.+See https://​​gemini-php for more details.
 The server has a home page on the geminisphere at **[[gemini://​​gemini-php]]** The server has a home page on the geminisphere at **[[gemini://​​gemini-php]]**
projects/gemini-php.1601334289.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/09/28 23:04 by neil