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read [2023/02/08 23:16]
admin [January]
read [2025/01/15 09:31] (current)
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 ====== Books I've Read ====== ====== Books I've Read ======
 See also:  [[Reading|Books I'm Reading]] and [[toread|Books I Want to Read]] See also:  [[Reading|Books I'm Reading]] and [[toread|Books I Want to Read]]
 +===== 2025 =====
 +==== January ====
 +  * [[wp>Doc Future and Flicker]] by [[wp>​Alexx Kay]] - This is a self-published book I stumbled across on reddit. ​ I'm really enjoying it so far.  Some interesting ideas and cool characters. ([[https://​​|published on Tumblr]]).
 +===== 2024 ====
 +===== December =====
 +  * [[wp>​Going Postal]] by [[wp>​Terry Pratchett]] - A club recommendation. ​ I really enjoyed it, I liked a lot of the characters, trying to decide which one to read next, maybe something that focuses on the death character.
 +  * [[wp>​Project Hail Mary]] by [[wp>​Andy Weir]] - I'm only a few chapters in and I already know I'm going to finish this one before going back to the other books I'm currently reading. ​ Finished: Loved this.  Some interesting ideas (especially the hexagonal grid when building the airlock for example). ​ Definitely going to check out Andy's other work, has that fun geeky style of writing I remember from the Bobiverse books.
 +==== October =====
 +  * [[wp>​BrainWeb]] by [[wp>​Douglas E. Richards]] - I kinda liked this but it's just an action novel in the style of Matthew Reilly - which is fine, but I'd been led to believe it was something else.  The author seems to mistake having a brain interface for browsing the web with being a competent hacker.
 +==== July ====
 +  * [[wp>​Neuromancer]] by [[wp>​William Gibson]] - A classic. ​ Re-read it for a bookgroup. ​ Didn't get quite as much out of it as the first time, but it was nostalgic to read again.
 ===== 2023 =====  ===== 2023 ===== 
 +==== October ====
 +  * [[wp>The Boys]] by [[wp>​Garth Ennis]] - I'm really enjoying this, taking me a while to get through (about 1800 pages for the 5 volume omnibus). ​ Quite different from the show.  Certainly graphic. ​ It's inspiring me to read some of Ennis' other work (and also go back to Transmetropolitian). ​ Great.
 +==== July ====
 +  * [[wp>The End of All Things (novel)|The End of All Things]] by [[wp>​John Scalzi]] - I'm enjoying this, reminding me of the Bobiverse books so far.  Finished: Aww, I was hoping for more of the main character (Rafe) but it changed in the last two thirds to be a mostly political drama. ​ Not my cup of tea.  It was interesting that the author showed the original draft (kinda) of the first part at the end of the book.  It was interesting to see what parts were kept and which were '​excised'​.
 +  * [[wp>​Absolution Gap]] by [[wp>​Alastair Reynolds]] - This was decent.
 +==== June =====
 +  * [[wp>Raw Spirit]] by [[wp>​Iain Banks]] - Banks' first non-fiction book.  It was on the shelf of the holiday home I was staying at this week.  Not my usual thing (it was heavily focused on driving/​cars etc) but the whisky trail was interesting (my favourite Highland Park was in the top three, makes me wanna visit some more distilleries). ​ I'd also picked it up because it was the 10 year anniversary of Banks' death. ​ Made me a little sad when he mentioned things he hadn't done/​visited yet but said '​plenty of time'​. ​ It's inspired me to read his other non-SF work.
 +  * [[wp>​Forever Free]] by [[wp>Joe Haldeman]] - Quite interesting,​ it went a little all over the place. ​ Not sure if I was a fan of the end, bit hand-wavey.
 +  * [[wp>​Forever Peace]] by [[wp>Joe Haldeman]] - Not related much to the first novel, but I did enjoy this story, and the world building. ​ The idea was pretty unique, interesting.
 +  * [[wp>​Camoflauge]] by [[wp>Joe Haldeman]] - Got inspired by a discussion along the lines of "I really liked Forever War, why haven'​t I read more by this author?"​ to start reading a bunch of Haldeman. ​ Working through recommendations. ​ After: I enjoyed this, fascinating read.  Reminded me of The Thing (the creature).  ​
 +==== May ====
 +  * [[wp>The Accidental Time Machine]] by [[wp>Joe Haldeman]] - Reading this for the June sci-fi bookgroup, recommended by Munro. ​ I enjoyed it.  The AI characters were interesting.
 +==== March ====
 +  * [[wp>​Artifical Condition]] by [[wp>​Martha Wells]] - This was decent. ​ I'll read another.
 ==== Feburary ==== ==== Feburary ====
   * [[wp>​Agency]] by [[wp>​William Gibson]] - Continuing the series while enjoying the TV show.  I was captivated from the first chapter, enjoyed it.   * [[wp>​Agency]] by [[wp>​William Gibson]] - Continuing the series while enjoying the TV show.  I was captivated from the first chapter, enjoyed it.
read.1675898182.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/02/08 23:16 by admin