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Read it later

This page contains a continually changing list of links that I want to read later. I use a bookmarklet to populate it from any web browser.

  • (Enter the Matrix · Brendan Abolivier) - As you might know if you’ve been following me on Twitter for some time (or if you know me in real life), I’m very fond of free software and decentralisation. I love free software because it matches the philosophy I want to live by, and decentralisation because it enlarges a user’s freedom and individuality, and I find working on decentralised systems fascinating. Doing so forces one to change their way of designing a system entirely, since most of the Internet now consists of centralised services, which leads people to only learn how to design and engineer these. [2020-07-14 02:58]
  • (Baby Hands - YouTube) - I'm doing the best I can with these baby hands. [2020-07-14 02:58]
read_it_later.1594691920.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/14 02:58 by