I wish I could remember a fraction of the great one liners I hear regularly at live comedy shows. See also Would you rather.
In reference to his ex girlfriend (at a comedy rap battle): “A night with her is like a pint of Tennents, absolutely no head and a slight aftertaste of metal”
“I've been depressed for a few years. Ever since I coached a swimming team back in college for a big race. I said 'Everybody, today I want you to all swim like you never have before!' A lotta people drowned that day”
“My girlfriend has Vajazzles and she's put on a lot of weight recently. Now it looks like someone kicked in a disco ball.”
New film names you can come up with by adding one letter:
The Spy Who Loved Men
Diet Hard
Citizen Kanye
Irony Man
Shaving Private Ryan
The Hoarse Whisperer
The Green Smile
The Thingy
The 400 Year Old Virgin
Harry Pottery
The Dark Knight Rinses