Basic attack | Make a basic attack |
Use a power | The powers you know are among your most important tools in the game. Because of your at-will powers, you can potentially use a power every round. Action: Most powers require a standard action, but some require a move action, a minor action, a free action, or no action. |
Bull rush | You try to push an enemy away. This tactic is useful for forcing an enemy out of a defensive position or into a dangerous one, such as in a pool of lava or over a cliff. Strength Attack: Make a Strength attack vs. Fortitude defense. Do not add any modifiers for the weapon you use. Hit: Push the target 1 square, and shift into the vacated space. |
Charge | Move and Attack: Move your speed as part of the charge and make a melee basic attack or a bull rush at the end of your move. +1 Bonus to the Attack Roll: You gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll of your basic attack or bull rush. Movement Requirements: You must move at least 2 squares from your starting position, and you must move directly to the nearest square from which you can attack the enemy. You can't charge if the nearest square is occupied. Moving over difficult terrain costs extra squares of movement as normal |
Equip or stow a shield | Use a shield or put it away |
Grab | You seize a creature bodily and keep it from moving. The creature you grab can attempt to escape on its turn. Strength Attack: Make a Strength attack vs. Reflex. Do not add any weapon modifiers. You must have at least one hand free to make a grab attempt. Hit: The enemy is immobilized until it escapes or you end the grab. Your enemy can attempt to escape on its turn. Sustaining a Grab: You sustain a grab as a minor action. You can end a grab as a free action. Effects that End a Grab: If you are affected by a condition that prevents you from taking opportunity actions (such as dazed, stunned, surprised, or unconscious), you immediately let go of a grabbed enemy. |
Moved a grabbed target | Strength Attack: Make a Strength attack vs. Fortitude. Do not add any weapon modifiers. Hit: Move up to half your speed and pull the grabbed target with you. |
Ready an action | Ready an action to perform when a specified trigger occurs |
Second wind | You can dig into your resolve and endurance to find an extra burst of vitality. In game terms, you spend a healing surge to regain some of your lost hit points, and you focus on defending yourself. Spend a healing surge to regain hit points (see Healing, page 293). +2 Bonus to All Defenses: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Once per Encounter: You can use your second wind once per encounter |
Total defense | Gain a +2 bonus to all your defenses until the start of your next turn |
Bluff: Feint | Gain Combat Advantage: Once per combat encounter, you can try to gain combat advantage against an adjacent enemy by feinting. As a standard action, make a Bluff check opposed by the enemy's Insight check. If you succeed, you gain combat advantage against the enemy until the end of your next turn |
Bluff: Diversion | Once per combat encounter, you can create a diversion to hide. As a standard action, make a Bluff check opposed by the Insight check of an enemy that can see you (if multiple enemies can see you, your Bluff check is opposed by each enemy's Insight check). If you succeed, you create a diversion and can immediately make a Stealth check to hide. |
Stealth | Superior Cover or Total Concealment: If you have superior cover or total concealment, a creature can’t see you and can’t be sure of your exact location. If its Perception check beats your Stealth check, though, it knows you are present, knows the direction to your location, and has a vague idea of the distance between the two of you. If its Perception check beats your Stealth check by 10 or more, the creature can pinpoint your location until the end of your next turn, even if you move. Distracted Creature: If a creature is distracted, you can attempt to hide from that creature even when you don’t have cover or concealment. In combat, creatures are assumed to be paying attention in all directions. Outside combat, a creature might be paying attention to something in a certain direction, allowing you to hide behind the creature’s back. You make a Stealth check as normal to avoid the creature’s notice, since it might hear you. |