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games_played [2023/09/17 15:39]
games_played [2023/11/10 17:30] (current)
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 ===== 2023 ===== ===== 2023 =====
 +  * **Robocop: Rogue City** - This was fun, felt a little old school like Deus Ex, in a good way.  I really don't understand why they ressurected a 40 year old franchise to make this game that takes place after the first movie. ​ I'm glad they did though!
   * **Baldur'​s Gate 3** - Enjoyed this a lot.  I chose the warlock character, Wyll, and played him pretty evil.  Ended up a full Illthiah tied to my she-devil. ​ Killed a lot of NPCs.  Fun :)  Would consider a playthrough again with completely different classes, which is saying something as I don't normally play twice.   * **Baldur'​s Gate 3** - Enjoyed this a lot.  I chose the warlock character, Wyll, and played him pretty evil.  Ended up a full Illthiah tied to my she-devil. ​ Killed a lot of NPCs.  Fun :)  Would consider a playthrough again with completely different classes, which is saying something as I don't normally play twice.
   * **Dishonored** - I'd tried to get into this before, but after seeing it recommended a few more times I finally gave it another go.  It was ok, I enjoyed it, but I'd have preferred a better shooting mechanic - I just didn't like the combat much (it was too simplified). ​ Anyway, decent game - wasn't too limiting in the stealth aspect - i.e. I could just go around and quietly (or not so quietly) kill everybody, a la Hitman. ​ I did kill almost everybody right enough, not sure if I had the best ending.. I saved the girl, so, mission accomplished? ​ Hmm.   * **Dishonored** - I'd tried to get into this before, but after seeing it recommended a few more times I finally gave it another go.  It was ok, I enjoyed it, but I'd have preferred a better shooting mechanic - I just didn't like the combat much (it was too simplified). ​ Anyway, decent game - wasn't too limiting in the stealth aspect - i.e. I could just go around and quietly (or not so quietly) kill everybody, a la Hitman. ​ I did kill almost everybody right enough, not sure if I had the best ending.. I saved the girl, so, mission accomplished? ​ Hmm.
games_played.1694965189.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/17 15:39 by neil