Geek Events
A list of regular geek events in Glasgow that I try to get to. See also Calendar and Other Groups.
The Scottish Linux Users Group — Meet on the last Thursday of the month for a talk in Strathclyde University and drinks afterwards in The Counting House.
Cafe Scientifique — Meet on the first Monday of the month for an informal lecture and discussion on various, mainly science, subjects.
RookieOven — Meets monthly in The Arches Cafe, Argyle Street. Meetup for the tech startup scene in Glasgow.
Refresh Glasgow — Meets monthly in Sloans, Bath Street. “A meetup of designers, developers and people who work on the web”
Tech Meetup — Beer and pizza in Caledonian University then a few technology talks. (no longer hold a Glasgow event, circa 2019)
geek_events.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/02 01:20 by admin