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Movies I've Watched
Why Him? (2016) - Fun little movie, watched with Naomi.
Dune: Part Two - This was excellent. I was struggling to find a free night to see this, and ended up watching a 4DX show. I need to remind myself to never do that again, I find it too annoying/distracting.
Body Snatchers (1993) - I thought I'd already seen this, but a clip or two I saw wasn't familiar. Anyway, enjoyed this take on it, though it's probably the worst one.
Brainscan (1994) - Cheesy sci-fi arcade/VR movie with an interesting premise. I liked it.
Airborne (1993) - Early Seth Green and Jack Black film. It was pretty dire, but I enjoyed how difficult they made inline skating look :) Very 90s.
Arcade (1993) - Another cheesy sci-fi entry in that 90s genre of VR/tech sci-fi that I have a soft spot for.
Charly (1968) - I just skimmed this movie as the cinematography was a bit dated and I'd read the source material. It was well made though, I liked it. Beautiful ending.
Brainstorm (1983) - Watched this again as I couldn't quite remember it and I was working through some brain/VR films. Interesting, trippy movie. Hearing the three main cast were oscar winners made me look out Charly and watch that next.
Sequence Break (2017) - Bit of a (too) weird, trippy film. I liked the characters though.
The Machine (2013) - Was inspired to watch this again, decent.
Automation (2019) - This was dire. Terrible acting, no redeeming features.
57 Seconds (2023) - Overall a bit meh, but easy watching.
Old Dads (2023) - This was okay, not as good/relatable as I hoped. To be fair, I had heard a lot of the jokes before as they'd been directly lifted from either his stand up or stories he's told on his podcast. Which probably detracted from it a little?
V for Vendetta (2005) - Fancied a rewatch, it was ok. The character seemed a little too reddity/m'lady for me.
Influencer (2023) - Watched with Naomi over Halloween, decent movie.
The Blackening (2023) - I predicted I'd not enjoy this and I was right. I was hopeful with would be more meta/aware like Scary Movie, but meh.
Reanimator (1985) - Been meaning to watch this for years. Fun, cult movie, some interesting scenes.
Moscow on the Hudson (1984) - Just wanted to cross this one off my list as a Robin Williams film I hadn't seen. It was enjoyable enough.
The Little Things (2021) - I enjoyed this, it felt familiar (just realised I watched it already in Jan 2021), but it mostly just on in the background with Naomi while Harris was sleeping.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) - This was okay. Good effects and well acted. I liked the creature design. That said said, we know the crew is doomed (from the story and the intro), so wasn't much of a plot.
Levianthan (1989) - I thought I'd already seen this but if I had, it was a long time ago. Anyway, I enjoyed it. Definitely felt inspired by Alien/The Thing. Amanda Pays was cute.
Creepshow 2 (1987) - Wasn't that great a movie, but I enjoyed this for the 80s cheese. Interesting to see a very young Bill Tench from Mindhunter.
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015) - I thought I'd seen this before, but I seem to be out of date with the mission impossible movies, so doing some catch up now. It was okay.
Barbie (2023) - Meh, this was alright. Not sure it was what I expected. Margot Robbie was fantastically cast (as alluded to by a line in the movie).
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (2023) - Finally got around to this. It was good. It was kinda annoying they kept treating space like it wasn't a vaccum, I guess suspension of disbelief was ramped up to the max anyway.
Debug (2014) - Meh, pretty much what I expected. Not good.
Robots (2023) - This was pretty dire, as I expected, was hoping for a cool scene or two that showcased the robots abilities, but nah, nothing.
Nefarious (2023) - I was pleasantly surprised with this. Interesting, especially for one of those movies that takes place almost entirely in one room. Great acting from the two leads.
Simulant (2023) - As bad as I thought it was going to be. Meh.
Sleepers (1996) - Not sure I'd seen this before, it was ok.
Tetris (2023) - I enjoyed this. Interesting to see a little of the history.
10 Things To Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) - This was a pretty meh movie. Andy Garcia had some truly strange lines, especially the romantic scenes. Not sure if it was a product of its time, but no, it was just weird.
Knock at the Cabin (2023) - Meh, decent acting, but overall the story didn't grab me. From what I've heard of the novel, it sounded better.
Black Adam (2022) - This wasn't as bad as I'd been led to believe. Better than BPWF.
Black Panther Wakanda Forever (2022) - Meh, I really hated this movie. Boring, too long, too much dialog about their relative plights. I find Wakanda unbelievable with it's over the top magic like technology, then to watch them against an even more over the top fish people is just annoying. Writing this while halfway through the movie as I'm so bored, it could be half the run length.
M3gan (2023) - Enjoyed this. Give me more rogue AI/robot movies!
Hereditary (2018) - I'd been meaning to watch this for a while. It was good. Gave me goosebumps a few times.
Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical (2022) - Meh, it was ok, not quite as good/catchy as I expected. Can't quite put my finger on what I didn't like about it. The young girl was a good actor though.
Chaos Walking (2021) - Couldn't sleep and put this on. It was decent, I quite liked the imagery/style of the 'noise'.
Violent Night (2022) - I enjoyed this, bit more violet/gory than I expected, but fun movie.
Avatar 2 - The Way of Water (2022) - This was ok. Nothing that special. Felt like the whole movie could have been the middle third of a better movie to be honest. Watched it the Odeon at the Quay, nice comfy recliner seats. First time I'd been in those.
Troll (2022) - This was ok, not sure what I was expecting. I wasn't a fan of the English dub/voice acting at all. I rarely am.
Spiderhead (2022) - This was not bad. Chris Hemsworth did a good job.
Parasite (2019) - Saw this at the movie club. Been meaning to watch this for a while. It was good, well acted, interestingly shot. I didn't quite understand why the ending happened. I expected it to be a little better than it was due to all the hype/positive feedback, but, just good.
Futureshock (1994) - I knew this was going to be bad, but it was worse. Nothing to do with virtual reality whatsoever. It was just an excuse to throw three short stories together. I was surprised to see Bill Paxton in this, also, who was that other mortury guy? He stole every scene he was in. The old karate guy from Cobra Kai hasn't changed since 1994.
Evil Dead 2 (1987) - Another classic, watched it as part of the horror movie night at the club.
The Thing (1982) - Absolute classic. Watched it as part of the sci-fi movie night at the club.
Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) - I was looking forward to this, but I didn't enjoy it all that much - it felt like a young teen movie, rather than a family movie. Plus, no horror/scare elements at all really - just that weird Americanised, capitalist Halloween.
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) - This was okay. Interesting premise. Felt familiar, but I couldn't place it.
Blank (2022) - Meh, rubbish. I've seen this exact idea a few times already. Nothing special.
Lighyear (2022) - Fun little movie. Decent action (and scary villian/robots) for a kids movie.
Prey (2022) - Excellent addition to the Predator franchise. I enjoyed it, Naomi did too, which is unusual for that time of film generally.
Superbob (2015) - I randomly watched this when I was unwell. It was pretty much what I expected, although I should have anticipated the romantic comedy aspect.
Jurassic World Dominion (2022) - Meh, easily the worst of the series so far. Too much cheesey fan service with the original cast. Felt more like a kids movie than all the others.
X (2022) - I was hoping for a bit more than what I got. Not as humourous and not as exciting as I'd hoped.
Lapsis (2020) - Meh, felt like it almost went somewhere.
Voyagers (2021) - This was okay. Nothing really new here from Lord of The Flies.
Infinite (2021) - Meh, Mark Whalberg being Mark Whalberg.
Project Gemini (2022) - This was a decent effort, but I didn't enjoy it all that much.
Dark Cloud (2022) - This was crap, watched it in the background hoping for at least a cool scene. Nada.
The Outfit (2022) - This was excellent, I've always enjoyed Mark Rylance's performances. This film was well done and I liked the time period. Felt a bit like an old hitchcock movie too.
Implanted (2022) - This was thoroughly mediocre. I was hoping it would be something like Upgrade.
Scream (2022) - While I did enjoy this. I've felt movies are getting a bit too meta for their own good recently though.
Kimi (2021) - Another lockdown movie (small cast, reduced locations). It was ok. Kind of an interesting character, but she just fixed it (and she didn't seem qualified to do that), armed attackers barely an inconvience.
Don't Look Up (2021) - This was a decent movie. Good acting as usual from Leo. The rich CEO was very creepily acted.
Home Alone (1990) - Decided to watch this as our Christmas Eve movie. Fun as always.
The Matrix Ressurrections (2021) - I went to the cinema to see this on the release day. It's the only movie I've seen in the cinema (or plan to see) in the past year or two. I thought the movie was alright, I was a bit disappointed. I wanted it to be more cerebral - both in dialogue and actual plot, but it was pretty simple. Oh well, nice to get another installment, but not a patch on the original (or the complexity of the second/third).
Eternals (2021) - Meh, this was alright.
Finch (2021) - I was hoping for a lot more from this. I think TV/movies take Artificial Intelligence for granted now. Still, it was a decent, sweet movie, just not the cool sci-fi I was hoping for.
The Final Girls (2015) - Watched this on Halloween. Naomi fell asleep. I'd seen it before, but I seem to have forgotten to write it down. I think it's a great movie. Fun, very meta, with some good death scenes and decent acting. Thomas Middleditch didn't do all that much in this, but I enjoy seeing him. I hadn't seen Vikings last time I saw this, so it was interesting to see Alexander Ludwig in a new light. I'd watch a sequel.
Dune (2021) - This was great. Looked amazing. I was disappointed to see 'Part 1' at the intro (I'd have rather it was one movie). Oh well, 'twas good. Will watch the second (or third).
Kate (2021) - Watched this on Netflix. It was a good movie. Some great fighting sequences. Mary Elizabeth Winstead was more convincing in that role that I expected her to be.
Halloween Kills (2021) - This was decent. I preferred the previous movie though. It was an interesting take, to focus on the hysteria around Michael Myers - not sure I've seen anyone take that approach before. Some gruesome death scenes.
The Accountant (2016) - Decent action movie. I liked Ben Affleck's autistic character, to an extent, he was a bit too good, but anyway, 'twas better than I thought.
Free Guy (2021) - Meh. This entertained me, but I was hoping for more. The humour fell pretty flat.
Robowar (1988) - Absolutely dire. Can't really think of any saving graces.
Brewster's Millions (1985) - I was reminded about this recently and wanted to re-watch it. Hadn't seen it since I was a kid. Still a decent movie.
The Suicide Squad (2021) - This was okay. Better than the first one, more humour etc. Margot was great as usual. Starro was different :) Didn't know much about any of the characters to be honest, had to look them up.
Jungle Cruise (2021) - This was terrible. Not sure what I was expecting. I should known I might not enjoy a movie based on a Disney ride. Took two sittings to watch.
Blood Red Sky (2021) - It was okay, the theme would have been more of a surprise (I'd read the IMDB page) if Netflix didn't have an obvious spoiler as a main image which was annoying.
Settlers (2021) - This was okay, a little strange/too arty.
Black Widow (2021) - Meh, this was ok. I was quite impressed with the little sister, I expect we'll see more of her.
The God Committee (2021) - Watched this because Kelsey Grammar was in it. Pretty decent movie, better than I expected.
The Tomorrow War (2021) - This was pretty good. Chris Pratt had a pretty good performance.
Flashback (2021) - I didn't enjoy this at that much, there was a cool idea in there somewhere - the message spoke 'through time' was pretty cool.
Little Evil (2017) - Meh, this was alright, mostly what I expected.
Cruella (2021) - Pretty much what I expected. Some nice costumes. Emma Stone was decent, as usual.
Monsters of Man (2020) - This was decent. The robot design was well done. The tech team were a bit annoying.
Wrath of Man (2021) - This was okay. Jason Stratham was decent. I wanted it to be either more professional like the original Transporter, or to embrace his wise cracking side, but it was a bit inbetween so - meh.
The Army of the Dead (2021) - Meh, this was not that great. Some good action, but overall the story was stupid and a lot of bad decisions were made. Plus, the zombies could do pretty much everything, which makes them not zombies at all (emotions, speed, reproduce, think, plan etc). Not to mention they moved around like camp acrobatic drama students.
Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021) - Didn't like this much. For some reason I didn't buy Angelina Jolie as that character (despite her pulling similar or stronger characters off in other movies).
Body Double (1984) - I caught a few minutes of this while I was digitising some old VHS tapes and ended up looking this out to watch it. I think it triggered an old memory. Overall it's a bit of a weird movie. I thought it was okay, for an early 80s movie.
I.T. (2016) - This was ok. Actually, the more I think about some of Brosnan's decisions the more the movie annoys me. I wanted to watch it just to see how the hacking effects/interfaces were rendered. They were pretty meh. Overall, meh.
Mortal Kombat (2021) - Better than I expected. I'm not sure I'd recommened it to anyone though, but I like how realistically some of the actors took the roles.
Stowaway (2021) - While this was ok - and Anna Kendrick was better than I expected in this more serious role - the science was a bit annoying. I don't understand (they didn't make it clear enough) why there was a time pressure toward the end. Anyway, meh.
Ratcatcher (1999) - Interesting movie, I liked it. The old Glasgow asthetic had me hooked from the start. I liked the director's style. Wil check our another of her movies (We Need to Talk About Kevin) soon.
Nobody (2021) - I thought this was excellent. Fun action movie in a similar vein to John Wick, but which takes itself a little less seriously. It was good to see Bob Odenkirk stretching his acting chops. Christopher Lloyd looked like he was having fun in the role too.
Original Gangster (2021) - I quite liked the lead actor and the movie was ok - it was a bit strange though, don't think I'd recommend it.
Doors (2021) - This was better than I thought it would be, but I don't think I'd recommend it to anyone.
Extra Ordinary (2019) - The main actress was quite believable, and I appreciated Will Forte being in this, but overall, meh.
Police Story (1985) - I wanted to show Naomi an earlyish Jackie Chan [kung fu] film, this might not have been the best choice however. I enjoyed it.
Look Who's Talking (1989) - We were talking about this movie recently and decided to watch it. Funny to hear Bruce Willis's voice. Decent, family type movie.
Jackie Brown - Wanted to show this to Naomi. Not my favourite Tarantino movie, but I have a bit of a soft spot for it. I listened to The Delphonics for a while after I first watched this movie.
Outside The Wire (2021) - This was awful. The US military have a full artifically intelligent humanoid robot (and have had it for at least 3-5 years) and we just watched it run around with a gun for 2 hours? Unimaginative crap.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996) - Felt like watching one of [the] TNG movies. Good Star Trek movie, felt like a high budget episode, which is good.
A Perfect World (1993) - Part of our Costner marathon. This was a decent movie, pretty wholesome despite the murders.
The Little Things (2021) - I enjoyed this. There were some strange cinematic choices, but it worked overall.