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ChIT, the Chateau Institute of Technology

An artist-run recycled media-lab in the heart of Glasgow. It existed roughly between 2004 and 2006 at 143 Oxford Street (part of The Chateau).

“ChIT (Chateau Institute of Technology) is a computer project at The Chateau in Glasgow. It's built on grassroots support and recycled technology. We provide free access computer services to Chateau members, associates and anyone else who asks. We are a self-institute: self-made, self-authorized. We keep our machines free by running open source software: currently we use Xubuntu on our PCs.”

“Originally part of the Chateau artist-run studios, the ChIT went on to become a self-contained project, working with open source software and organising live streams of music events around Glasgow. Situated at the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), Electron Club has been growing over the past four years to become home to a range of art and technology groups and projects.”

the_chateau_institute_of_technology.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/13 14:14 by neil