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TV Shows

Starting to track what I watch.

Currently Watching

  • Automan - Wow, this might be one of the cheesiest things I've ever seen. No explanation at all for why this guy was conjured up out of thin air from an early 80s mini computer. I like it :)
  • Star Trek Lower Decks - Really enjoying this, it's a bit over the top at times, but I enjoy the humour and its always nice to have more Star Trek.
  • Raised By Wolves - Enjoying this. I think it has a lot of potential. The pilot episode was great, feature length and showed lots of stuff while raising more questions (rather than just opening lots of 'tease' threads).
  • Stargirl - Meh, undecided.
  • Marvel: Agents of Shield - This is mostly background. Some of the AI/framework stuff in Season 4/5 was interesting. They didn't do as much with it as I hoped though.
  • Infinity Train - Meh, undecided. Annoyingly short episodes.
  • The Twilight Zone (Season 2) [2020] - Undecided.


  • The Boys (Season 2) - Wow. I enjoy this show. It's brutal.
  • Hanna (Season 1 & 2) - Meh, this was OK. Bit too 'coming of age' teen stuff for me, and the ending just sort of petered out.
  • The Fall (Seasons 1-3) - This was great show, Gillian Anderson was excellent, I thought her character was pretty interesting. The villian was very good too. Wasn't sure where it was going by the start of season three, which was a good thing. I enjoyed the ending too.
  • Brave New World (Season 1) - This wasn't bad - I liked it.
  • Pennyworth (Season 1) - I was pleasantly suprised at this. The lead did a great job channelling a young Michael Caine/Alfred. The story got a bit far fatched, but overall I enjoyed it. They painted a really interesting alternative Britain/world in which Gotham exists. I'll watch more.
  • Inhumans - Meh, pretty mediocre. Had it on the background mostly. Nothing stood out much to me, they chould have done a lot more with the guy who saw probabilities (in a sense). I also wanted to hear more about the face in the wall, which could have been fascinating. Oh well.
  • 24: Live Another Day - I've never really seen much of 24 (maybe the first season or two) but was inspired to watch this after someone referred to a Scottish hacker in it. The hacking was meh, but overall the show was entertaining.
  • Mr Robot (Season 4) - Wow. Great show. Some of the most accurate hacking/computer scenes I've seen in a film or TV show. Good ending. Great acting from Rami Malek and the others. One of the best TV shows in the past decade.
  • AFK - This was pretty terrible. I don't know why I watched it all - the episodes were short. It was cringy and the acting was very bad. It took itself too seriously despite being so irreverent.
  • Halt and Catch Fire - Been meaning to watch this for a while now. Ended up binging the whole four seasons in a couple of days. I really liked this. The material was straight up my street and the acting was pretty great. It was interesting to see Cameron in this role - I only knew her from Terminator Dark Fate.
  • Emergence - I enjoyed this. I wanted to see more of the girl's abilities. Not sure I'd recommend it though.
  • Devs - This was interesting, I wanted a bit more from the show. Still, it had some interesting existential scenes (the echo when they were watching themselves in the lab for instance).
tv_shows.1607381880.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 22:58 by admin