After the recent (June 2023) influx of Lemmy spam accounts, there isn't an easy way to delete the hundreds of spam accounts that showed up over night (before I felt forced to enable captchas and email verification etc).
I built a small API command line client to basically allow me to run the purgePerson API command easily in a loop.
You can run it very simply with something like this:
./lemmy-api.php purgePerson 116
or to iterate over a number of ids:
for i in 145 156 162; do ./lemmy-api.php purgePerson $i; done
and to work through all IDs from 170-240:
for i in `seq 170 240`; do ./lemmy-api.php purgePerson $i; done
You can view the code on my repo at or checkout directly with git using:
git clone
Made a copy of the config file and edit config.php
to add your domain, username and password to get started.
cd lemmy-api-php cp config.example.php config.php
Here is some example code for a PHP command line tool that will let you purge local users.
<?php $lemmy_domain = ""; // e.g. $username = ""; $password = ""; $token_file = ".lemmy-api-token"; // this is where your token is cached, can be any location ?>
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require("config.php"); $implemented_commands = array( "purgePerson" => "PERSONID [reason]", "deletePost" => "POSTID" ); if(empty($argv[1]) or empty($argv[2])) { echo "Usage: ./".basename(__FILE__)." COMMAND [parameters]\n"; echo "You can get help on a specific command with ./".basename(__FILE__)." help COMMAND\n"; echo "Available commands: ".implode(", ", array_keys($implemented_commands))."\n"; exit(0); } else { $selected_command = $argv[1]; } // generate token, or load one from the cache file if(!file_exists($token_file)) { echo "Logging in for the first time and storing token..."; $data = json_decode(http_post($lemmy_api_url."user/login", array('username_or_email'=>$username, 'password'=>$password)), true); $token = $data['jwt']; if(!empty($token)) { echo "OK"; file_put_contents($token_file, $token); } else { echo "Error logging in."; } echo "\n"; } else { $token = file_get_contents($token_file); } switch($selected_command) { case "help": if(in_array($argv[2], array_keys($implemented_commands))) { echo "Usage: ./".basename(__FILE__)." {$argv[2]} ".$implemented_commands[$argv[2]]."\n"; } else { echo "Unrecognised command, available commands: ".implode(", ", array_keys($implemented_commands))."\n"; } break; case "purgePerson": if(sizeof($argv) > 4) exit("Too many parameters, if supplying a reason, please use enclose with quotation marks\n"); $person_id = $argv[2]; $reason = ""; if(!empty($argv[3])) $reason = $argv[3]; echo "Attempting to purge person $person_id..."; $data = json_decode(http_post($lemmy_api_url."admin/purge/person", array('auth' => $token, 'person_id'=>intval($person_id), 'reason'=>$reason)), true); $status = "ERROR"; if(!empty($data['success']) and $data['success'] == 1) $status = "OK"; echo $status."\n"; break; case "deletePost": $post_id = $argv[2]; echo "Attempting to delete post ID $post_id..."; $data = json_decode(http_post($lemmy_api_url."post/delete", array('auth' => $token, 'post_id'=>intval($post_id), 'deleted'=>true)), true); $status = "ERROR"; if(!empty($data['post_view']) and $data['post_view']['post']['deleted'] == 1) $status = "OK"; echo $status."\n"; break; default: echo "Unrecognised command"; break; } function http_post($url, $data) { $ch = curl_init(); $payload = json_encode($data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json') ); $result = curl_exec($ch); if(curl_errno($ch)) print_r(curl_error($ch)); return $result; } ?>
That should be enough to get you started using the API from the command line. If I get time I'll put a more complete version of this with some other useful commands (like banPerson) on my repo as I find a use for them.
To get the list of local users (person_id column) on your Lemmy instance, connect to the postgres database. For me, in docker, this is something like:
sudo docker exec -it <containerId> bash psql -U lemmy select * from local_user;
While working on this, I discovered the API purgePerson command didn't actually work - something to do with the order of routes. Working with in the Lemmy Development Matrix room, he found a fix and made a PR that was accepted into v0.18 (so this should be working in subsequent version of Lemmy (after v0.17.4).