MUD - A TinyMux Multi User Dungeon (text based adventure game) that is serving as a testbed for my VR MUD client
Glasgow Centric
rGlasgow tools - Some tools to show deleted post/comments on r/glasgow
Reddit Hashtags - Also known as the 'interest guesser'. I use this as an ice breaker at Reddit meetups - it tries to match users with common interests.
rGlasgow tools - I don't agree with most of the mod policies, so I've been tracking which posts they remove on r/glasgow.
Adelaide - A matrix bot that runs in
Celtic game - A script that warns me when football is on
IRC Flume - Like a bridge, but only goes one way and takes a minute to get to the other side
Tesco Scraper - Lets me download prices from the Tesco website, so I can sort all their products by 'price-per-ml'.
Wifi Scanner - Testing how easy it is to monitor all wifi activity around my flat.
Gigacube - Monitoring bandwith on a Huawei Vodafone 5G Gigacube
Speedtest - Monitor upload/download speeds (while testing 5G antennas)
Work in progress
Still to be written up
Drone 7 (Godot engine sci-fi role playing game)
Jukebox - An interactive MP3 jukebox
Retired projects
projects.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/21 14:35 by neil